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Sabine Messner Bio


She believes for peace to prevail, people must become sovereign leaders of their destiny, including freeing themselves financially.

Sabine Messner is a visionary Futurist and 5D Business Consultant, showing individuals how to enterprise their higher calling.

Combining her new paradigm branding approach with her cutting-edge strategic guidance, Sabine turns seemingly ordinary leaders and professionals into extraordinary luminaries who are thriving as sacred stewards and entrepreneurs alike. Her clients range from spiritual leaders, financial insiders, pioneering technologists, corporate executives, PhDs, doctors, and alternative healing professionals to well-known coaches in the expert industry.

On a collective level, Sabine’s work assists in the awakening of humanity and the planet by liberating and anchoring the Prosperity Consciousness locked in the human potential. She believes for peace to prevail, people must become sovereign leaders of their destiny, including freeing themselves financially.

Blending her 30+ years of experience and education in the fields of arts, visual communication, and marketing with her extensive studies of cross-cultural energy modalities, Sabine’s approach is as much enlightening and profoundly empowering as it is down to earth.

Sabine holds an M.A. in Visual Communication from the Berlin University of the Arts and is the founder and creator of Soul Purpose Branding® and Soul Purpose Wealth. As Wired’s Senior Designer, she was instrumental in launching the world’s first online magazine back in 1994. Equally groundbreaking, Sabine served as a Cyber Crime Marketing VIP for America’s inaugural identity theft resolution provider.

Having a knack for innovative collective trends, she added a thorough Human Design certification to her eclectic tool belt to assist her clients in ascending into 5D as well as navigating it. If she’s not traveling the world or hosting international retreats, Sabine lives blissfully in Phoenix, Arizona, with her soulmate husband in their mid-century ranch home turned urban sanctuary.


She believes for peace to prevail, people must become sovereign leaders of their destiny, including freeing themselves financially.

Sabine Messner is a visionary Futurist and 5D Business Consultant, showing individuals how to enterprise their higher calling.

Combining her new paradigm branding approach with her cutting-edge strategic guidance, Sabine turns seemingly ordinary leaders and professionals into extraordinary luminaries who are thriving as sacred stewards and entrepreneurs alike. Her clients range from spiritual leaders, financial insiders, pioneering technologists, corporate executives, PhDs, doctors, and alternative healing professionals to well-known coaches in the expert industry.

On a collective level, Sabine’s work assists in the awakening of humanity and the planet by liberating and anchoring the Prosperity Consciousness locked in the human potential. She believes for peace to prevail, people must become sovereign leaders of their destiny, including freeing themselves financially.

Blending her 30+ years of experience and education in the fields of arts, visual communication, and marketing with her extensive studies of cross-cultural energy modalities, Sabine’s approach is as much enlightening and profoundly empowering as it is down to earth.

Sabine holds an M.A. in Visual Communication from the Berlin University of the Arts and is the founder and creator of Soul Purpose Branding® and Soul Purpose Wealth. As Wired’s Senior Designer, she was instrumental in launching the world’s first online magazine back in 1994. Equally groundbreaking, Sabine served as a Cyber Crime Marketing VIP for America’s inaugural identity theft resolution provider.

Having a knack for innovative collective trends, she added a thorough Human Design certification to her eclectic tool belt to assist her clients in ascending into 5D as well as navigating it. If she’s not traveling the world or hosting international retreats, Sabine lives blissfully in Phoenix, Arizona, with her soulmate husband in their mid-century ranch home turned urban sanctuary.

Let's go to higher grounds.

Welcome. I’m glad you’re here. There are a couple of things I’d like you to know about me. But instead of telling you my story and how I got here and all that jazz, I want to give you the gist of it all, and what matters most to me these days. Perhaps this matters to you, too. Let’s find out.

I am a Futurist. 

At any given time, I am 3 to 15 years ahead. Just imagine that for a moment. Sensing my way forward, I’m working directly with infinity, meaning a vast field of infinite possibilities (Hexagram 64). There is nobody for whom I don’t have a direction. Many of the visions I have given my clients have guided them for years, or conversely, have taken them years to comprehend and embody. It works both ways. Either way, they have a shining light that leads them through thick and thin. That’s the power of alignment. It’s like a snowplow clearing the way and making the path all shiny for them to walk on. My forecaster abilities have made me a much-cherished way-shower to my clients and community. 

I start with the end in mind and reverse engineer everything. Being ahead of time doesn’t make me an airy-fairy person. While I’m a total enthusiast, I stand with both feet on the ground. I have to be in touch with the current moment and circumstances to provide an optimal trajectory, which is what I love to do – helping individuals and businesses with purpose, positioning, and launching.

I made a powerful pledge when I was 17, that I would love a life where I could die any day, knowing I had fulfilled my highest purpose. This pledge was the leap into my life as a Futurist. But already as a little girl, I was way ahead. I was mapping out my entire life decades before I got to live it — many experiences as an adult where dreams and memories I perceived as a child.

Born into a long lineage of Alpine German tinkers and inventors (think precision mechanics, Kuckuck clocks, and musical instruments), I have a thing for precision and a neck for timing (think synergy, right time, right place, right offering). And I’m all about frequencies, energies, and congruency, so things work smoothly and don’t break down.

I’ve been a futuristic pioneer for most of my life, with times of recuperation and introspection in-between. My life is full of synchronicities and soul destiny appointments. Being spiritually tapped-in has also shaped my career. Let me give you a few examples.

In 1993, I created an art installation and interactive computer simulation that anticipated and simulated the world wide web and its social interactions before its inception. It was called “Fishing for the Heavenly Body.” In it, I correlated the seven ISO layers that constitute the Internet with the seven steps to heaven. It was my Master’s thesis in Visual Communication, which I received with honors from the Berlin University of Arts. 

Through “Fishing for the Heavenly Body,” I landed a total and utter dream job at Wired Magazine as their first web designer and later senior designer for, the first online magazine in the world, hardly speaking English. We launched in October 1994, two weeks after Netscape 1.0 launched, which was the world’s first web browser. It was like a rocket launch to the moon, and I was in the cockpit.

Ten years later, I was a founding marketing executive for the world’s first identity theft resolution provider. Not only did we start the cybercrime industry sector, we also shaped it. Before that, I’ve been working as a branding consultant with several Silicon Valley start-ups.

For the last decade, I’ve also been a pioneer in the expert industry when it comes to taking a stand for “soul in business,” explicitly incorporating soul into the brand. I remember getting bullied and ridiculed in the early years of the Internet Marketing frenzy because I was talking about esoteric concepts and refused to niche myself into a nook. I ended up having my biggest sales and impact from teaching people how not to become “imitation crab meat” and niche themselves. Today, ten years later, it is well established that without a higher meaning in their business, coaches are not able to sustain themselves. They frizzle out.

Speaking about the future, if you are a blockchain CEO, and you’re looking for a multi-versatile communication consultant, I invite you to contact me. Having understood the web from the get-go, and then examined the dark side of the cyber world, I get the premise and the promise of blockchain. Blockchain is going to be one of my next adventures!

I help you jump timelines.

There’s an intersection where the equation of Time = Money turns into Time = Art. This is where the rubber hits the road. What happens at this intersection? Well, it’s a dimensional portal that takes you from the 3rd dimension, which is ruled by linear time into the 5th dimension where time is spacial. The past, the present, and the future are all accessible and omnipresent. This is where I live, love, and create. 

The Time = Money calculus is the underlying principle of our so-called reality. Consequently, we live in an almost entirely industrialized world ruled by greed and corruption, from left to right and top to bottom. For as long as we adhere to this equation that Time = Money, there will never be systemic change. The solution to a problem always lies outside of the paradigm that has created the problem. In other words, we have to look beyond the veils of this reality.

On the linear timeline, we simply cannot outrun the coinciding, simultaneous global challenges. No matter how hard we try to get ahead, generate profits, and give back to charities and good causes at the end of the fiscal year, it’s never enough for exploitation is the name of the game. This is not to say that we should not put bandages on wounds. But at the root, we’re still locked into a model that measures the value of humanity in terms of workforce, performance, and productivity, and that has us endlessly competing with the machines.

However, there’s a galactic perspective of time that might not only be more accurate. It holds the long eluded solution that we have been chasing after since millennia. Life is a tremendous gift from the Creator, gifted to us for one primary purpose: creation. That’s why galactic time is creation time, not slaving-away time in a hamster wheel or getting forever stuck in the karma wheel.

The key to personal freedom and financial freedom lies in our relationship to time. Time is the great liberator and the great equalizer. And that’s where the soul steps into the picture. That’s why the soul is not something frivolous like many would have you believe. Your soul is your ticket to get to higher grounds. These higher grounds are alternate timelines that are out of reach to you when you’re caught up in the mind matrix of linear time. However, they are all accessible through the domain of the soul. So yes, with the direct assistance of your soul, you get to switch timelines, and instead of chasing after success and fulfillment, you live it already, and everything else is a bonus.

I have helped many old souls and star seeds who could barely exist in the 3D world, put a stake into the ground, and get their money and mojo going. Once heart-centered entrepreneurs get over the 6-fig hurdle and sustain themselves, their world is rapidly improving all around, and they can finally fulfill the purpose of their incarnation. If this speaks to you, check out EMERGE.

I also assist highly successful and wealthy individuals who have lost themselves along the way. I help them have more joy, purpose, clarity, as well as inner and outer liberation as many find themselves equally trapped by their success. It’s imperative for me always to assist conscious influencers as they have impact and leverage, and am used to working discretely. If this speaks to you, I invite you to check out ASCEND.

My next mission is to activate Millenials and younger Gen X in their early 40ties in making the switch to millionaire+ timelines. Of course, it’s never exclusively about making money. It’s just that money is the #1 determining factor at that time equation junction. Ultimately the stuff that really matters is legacy, not only on the 3D level but also on the soul level.

Speaking of money, is it necessary or essential for me to be a millionaire myself? I’ve asked myself that question many times. The answer is always the same: if I would have that drive, I couldn’t be doing what I’m doing and making such generous, artistic, and customized offerings (trust me, I tried outsourcing, which was like losing the baby with the bathwater). Don’t get me wrong. I love money and beautiful things, and having a freedom lifestyle is extremely important to me. That keeps me plenty motivated, thank you very much. But just to reach 7-fig for the sake of it has never been a goal for me. My wealth lies in my community and the people I serve around the globe. My wealth also lies in living a introspective and harmonious life.

There is an intersection where spirit turns into matter, and matter returns to spirit. I’ll meet you there.

I’m beyond woo.

There’s one more important aspect I want to share with you. Often people initially think that I am totally woo. The truth is, I’m way beyond woo, which makes me all about reality creation. But here’s the exciting thing about reality. Reality is not what we have been taught to believe – keyword believe (think old paradigm, Piscean Age, the age of belief systems and world religions). 

The galactic definition of reality suggests that reality is that which can never be changed, that which is eternal and everlasting. That’s pretty much the opposite of what we consider reality, which is continuously morphing and disappearing. What we thought is real in one instant, turns out to be an illusion in the next.

Reality is what is and what is exactly we still don’t know. How much of our reality is a mystery to us? A lot! One thing I think we can all agree on is that life in of itself is a mystery. So perhaps mystery is the only eternal and everlasting reality there is? If that’s true, wouldn’t we be well advised to add a little mystery to our barren world?

Personally, having been on a mystic path all my life, I believe that life is the richest and the juiciest when it is lived right at that junction of where the great mystery touches the material world. There’s a veil, there’s a field, and there’s a cosmic dance. From this lucid place where the temporary, fleeting particle reality oscillates with the wave potentiality of the great All There Is – the ultimate reality – anything is possible.

So what if money grows on trees? So what if you can heal your body? So what if you can get pregnant after years of trying? So what if you finally find the love of your life? So what if your life is full of satisfaction and your purpose pays the bills? And what if you are finding yourself by default at the right place at the right time with the right attitude? Those are results we can achieve. Whatever you want, whatever you need.

That’s the world I live in, and I’d like to invite you into it. Whether you come from the material success and wealth perspective and are are looking for more meaning, desire to have a soul experience, or get some profound answers to lifelong quests and questions, I’d love to be your destination. Or perhaps you’ve been on a spiritual journey and haven’t been able to manifest sustainable income. Either way, I’d love to be your destiny appointment. And either way, get ready to live, create and enjoy your legacy!

From 3D to 5D, nuts to bolts. Welcome to Soul Purpose Wealth.

SABINE- Thunder Angel

6 Principles I Live By

  1. Put your Soul into the driver seat and you’ll always enjoy the ride.
  2. Reverse-engineer your future. Otherwise you’ll likely miss it.
  3. Your Soul is your business. The ‘how’ is none of your business.
  4. The universe will reward you greatly for being your greatest self.
  5. Expand into your potential and you’ll create your own economy.
  6. A big vision pulls you forward. A small vision you have to push.

Handdrawn “Soul Portraits” by the stellar Akashic Artist and Channel Tomar Levine, NYC

6 Principles I Live By

  1. Put your Soul into the driver seat and you’ll always enjoy the ride.
  2. Reverse-engineer your future. Otherwise you’ll likely miss it.
  3. Your Soul is your business. The ‘how’ is none of your business.
  4. The universe will reward you greatly for being your greatest self.
  5. Expand into your potential and you’ll create your own economy.
  6. A big vision pulls you forward. A small vision you have to push.

Handdrawn “Soul Portraits” by the stellar Akashic Artist and Channel Tomar Levine, NYC