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activate your higher templates using human design​​

Human Design Consultant and Creator of Soul Purpose Wealth™

Human Design Sabine Messner


activate your higher templates using human design​​

Human Design Consultant and Creator of Soul Purpose Wealth™

Welcome dear Awakening Starseed! Let's get ready to navigate the 4th dimension with clarity and certainty.

As new readers are finding their way to this page in the next few weeks, I will be hosting a LIVE presentation to dive deeper into the topics discussed in my chapter. Stay tuned!
In the meantime, please make yourself familiar with my services below.

Now is the time to dig deep into the core of who you really are and fulfill your purpose. When you receive a priceless and timeless recognition and reflection of who you truly are, and how you are meant to operate in the world, Every-Thing changes. Human Design is not here for us to geek out on the mechanics or make things more complicated. It’s an epigenetic awareness tool that allows us to crack our own code so we can create our 5D world deliberately.

People are looking for new solutions to navigate these challenging and chaotic times. I have a special talent for helping you with shifts that propel you to your 5D timeline. The more time we spend, the deeper we dive. We use your unique epigenetic design as the roadmap to make the changes and adjustments that you’re looking to make with utmost certainty and clarity.

That’s why I’m offering three special discount links: 

Use gift code starseeds111 – a $111 discount for the single session HD Soul Activation.

Use gift code starseeds222 – a special $222 off for the HD Integration Package. This 3-session Human Design package is designed for the more profound soul- and life-shifting results. 

Use gift code starseeds488 – a generous $488 discount for the HD Life Decision Package. If you feel called to make bigger changes in your personal or professional life, or want to use Human Design to hone in your life’s work, I highly recommend the Life Decision Package.

Payment plans without finance fees are available.

Human Design Soul Activation Testimonial Ben Rode

“It’s rare for someone like me who has seen it all and done it all, to have someone provide information I can integrate immediately and permanently.”

“I can say without hesitation that Sabine’s Human Design readings go far beyond the context of a standard reading, and are far more valuable than can be quantified with a few hundred bucks.

She carries with her lifetimes of wisdom that she cross-contextualizes into a level of clarity and useful insights that all of us on the path need in order to more deeply understand how our unique operating system functions.

I believe in Sabine’s genius so deeply, that I will personally offer a refund to anyone who doesn’t find value in her interpretation of their Human Design.”

Owner of Synergida Luxury Resort and Co-founder of The Rode Institute

Disclaimer: Since we live in a sovereign universe, Ben's refund offer is allegorical. 

Here are my Human Design masterclasses

My two masterclasses will give you a robust understanding of the basics of Human Design. However, due to your epigenetics’ enormous complexity, it is by no means a substitute for experiencing and living your own divine design. Personal growth and self-awareness used to be a luxury. I now consider it a necessity. How else can we navigate the maze?  

STEP 1. Please go to to get your free Human Design report. Enter your birth information, including your exact birth time, and you’ll receive your report immediately. Your profile will be a combination of the two primary frequency numbers, for example, 6/2, 1/3, 2/4, 3/5, etc. It will also reveal your Human Design type, whether you are a Generator, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, Projector, or Reflector. 

STEP 2. Once you have your report, return to this page and watch the masterclasses. Based on your type and profile, you’ll be able to understand how others perceive you, what your energy feels like, and your overall role in the world. I believe it’s worth taking the time out of your busy lives to watch both classes. Even if you don’t book a Soul Activation with me, the information in these Masterclasses will positively impact your life and that of your loved ones.

The 5 Human Design Types

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The 6 Human Design Frequencies

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Are you ready to activate your Soul vehicle? 

My Human Design Soul Activation is guaranteed to be a life-changing experience that unleashes your wealth potential and propels you into living your destiny. It’s the best gift you can give yourself if you want a deeper understanding of your life’s purpose, how you operate in the world, and how to claim your power. 

You’ll receive practical guidance on how exactly you’re supposed to make decisions so you’re happy and fulfilled, while effectively communicating with others so you can be heard, seen and understood. Basically, it shows you exactly how to uplevel your entire life and all of your relationships.

When you receive a priceless and timeless recognition and reflection of who you truly are, Every-Thing changes. The only way forward is to remember who you are and why you’re here. I promise you it’s a total game-changer!

Don’t forget your special discount codes: 

Use gift code starseeds111 – a $111 discount for the single session HD Soul Activation.

Use gift code starseeds222 – a special $222 off for the HD Integration Package. This 3-session Human Design package is designed for the more profound soul- and life-shifting results. 

Use gift code starseeds488 – a generous $488 discount for the HD Life Decision Package. If you feel called to make bigger changes in your personal or professional life, or want to use Human Design to hone in your life’s work, I highly recommend the Life Decision Package.

“Learning my Human Design quite literally saved my life.”

“To finally have an understanding of my design and how I live and operate in the world is absolutely, incredibly epic, and PRICELESS!”

Merger and Acquisitions Investor and Consultant

Feminine Wealth Retreat Thailand


Sabine Messner is a visionary Futurist and 5D Business Consultant, showing individuals how to enterprise their higher calling. Combining her new paradigm branding approach with her cutting-edge strategic guidance, Sabine turns seemingly ordinary leaders and professionals into extraordinary luminaries who are thriving as sacred stewards and entrepreneurs alike.

Her clients range from spiritual leaders, financial insiders, pioneering technologists, corporate executives, PhDs, doctors, and alternative healing professionals to well-known coaches in the expert industry.

On a collective level, Sabine’s work assists in the awakening of humanity and the planet by liberating and anchoring the Prosperity Consciousness locked in the human potential. She believes for peace to prevail, people must become sovereign leaders of their destiny, including freeing themselves financially.

Blending her 30+ years of experience and education in the fields of arts, visual communication, and marketing with her extensive studies of cross-cultural energy modalities, Sabine’s approach is as much enlightening and profoundly empowering as it is down to earth.

Sabine holds an M.A. in Visual Communication from the Berlin University of the Arts and is the founder and creator of Soul Purpose Branding® and Soul Purpose Wealth. 

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“A year later after working with Sabine, I’m in a completely different state of bliss. She saved me 10-15 years of my life."
-Vlad Kukharchuk
Founder of Creator Matrix Institute

Ready to dive deep into your Soul and EMERGE with your aligned 5D business vision and brand?

Using your Human Design as the divine success blueprint, I will help you create a profoundly aligned brand and business vision from the inside out. From trademarkable brand name to service offerings, to your business model, to your relationships, to up-leveling your income and “deservability” – it’s all part of an integrated, intuitive clarification process.

I use Human Design and Gene Keys to unleash your hidden superpowers and shift you out of blindspots and exhausting patterns that no longer serve. I’ll show you the epigenetic roadmap to your greatest fulfillment and correlate it back to your business so everything gets “quintessentialized.”

If you want to create a business that’s an expression of your Human DesignEMERGE is for you. EMERGE is my 6-month Soul Purpose Branding® mentoring program designed for entrepreneurs who are committed to build their 6+fig soul vision business from the inside out.

EMERGE empowers you to turn your spiritual gifts, innate creativity, and higher guidance into a sustainable soul business. I’ll position you for life in your genius zone and help you craft irresistible and lucrative offers that are a delight for your Soul and your clients!

Let’s explore your 5D entrepreneurial vision!

*Discovery sessions are for those who want to explore working with me privately or joint venture possibilities.

“It’s such a different experience working with you because you have this way of knowing Human Design and Gene Keys and being able to see that in a person’s chart.”

“Over the last several years, I’ve invested a lot of money, thousands and thousands of dollars, in marketers, branders, and people who claim they can take my business to the next level.

At the end of each relationship and often in the process throughout, I discovered it’s just not working because they don’t truly understand who I am and what I do.

I was like, oh my God, it’s all right there. We can’t see it, but you can see that, Sabine. You have that gift. It’s the best money I’ve spent in all of these years that I’ve invested in figuring out my message.”

Transformational Coach and Meditation Teacher

Remember to give yourself the gift of self-illumination so you can light the way.
With love,


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