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A Journey Into Prosperity Consciousness

A Journey Into Prosperity Consciousness

Soul Purpose
You can no longer be a passive recipient in your own life experience. You have to take the reign. The feeling of having the deepest and richest Soul fulfillment and satisfaction along with a sense of tangible wealth and quality of life that encompasses all dimensions from the worldly realm to the highest levels of spiritual riches.

It all began between December 12 and December 21st, 2012. I was doing really well with my Soul Purpose Branding business when I received a message from my Higher Self during the most epic 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 “New Earth” portal passages.

The message was simply that I was to bring “Soul Purpose Wealth” to the world.

I was like – what?!

Regardless of my surprise, the energy initiation kept pouring in for two weeks straight.

With the message to anchor, the “Soul Purpose Wealth” frequency in our collective consciousness came a very powerful and absolutely exquisite feeling. The feeling of having the deepest and richest Soul fulfillment and satisfaction along with a sense of tangible wealth and quality of life that encompasses all dimensions from the worldly realm to the highest levels of spiritual riches. Nothing more, nothing less.

At the time of this Soul Purpose Wealth transmission,I did not know what it meant nor why I was the one to bring this forth nor how I was supposed to do it. While I had never any money or debt “problems,” I had always shied away from money. I resisted entering the money paradigm altogether and became really good at living very well of very little money. I had identified with everything else but money. I was an over-educated, academic, artistic, highly sophisticated, intellectual, high-achiever, over-perfectionist, feministic Creative Powerhouse – which is another way of saying:

“Please don’t pay me ‘cause I work my ass off for free anyway.”

Clearly, I was the least qualified person to become an embodied role model for this new wealth frequency.Or so I thought. It was all a great mystery. Nevertheless, the transmission landed and stuck with me. I registered the domain and went on to do my Soul Purpose Branding business.

Two years later, in 2014, I had reached what I considered a great business success milestone. I had created a sustainable high 6-figure business and was on my way to cross over 200K – a huge achievement, considering I was only offering fully customized and personalized solutions and had practically no leveraged programs. It was around that time when I got the second download.

It was time to implement – NOW.

The instructions were crystal clear. I needed to birth the container and create the first international Soul Purpose Wealth Retreat and then take it around the globe. I needed to engage in the new money conversation and I needed to start bringing these novice energies from the South Americas, known by the Natives as Heart Island, to the North Americas, known as Head Island as though to connect the heart with the head, unifying the masculine with the feminine and thus creating a sacred union.

Once the initiation and unification process was completed, I needed to cross-pollinate the Soul Purpose Wealth frequency across the globe, spreading it from the Americas to the heart of Europe, starting with Greece. The mission also includes the activation of secret Lemurian energy centers in the heart of Europe as well as the Baltics by the Black Sea.

Now I was like – you really gotta be kidding?!

Having always been a good spiritual steward, I buckled down. It was in May 2014 that I signed the contract with the world-renowned Blue Spirit Resort in Costa Rica to host the inaugural 7-day international transformational Soul Purpose Wealth Retreat with a room capacity/liability of 30 people.

Signing a contract with a resort of this caliber was a huge big deal for me. At the time, Blue Spirit resort ranked as one of the top 10 eco-resorts in the world with a waiting list of 1 to 1.5 years. They were hand-selecting their retreat facilitators and for good reasons! The founder of the Blue Spirit Resort, Stephan Rechtschaffen, is also the co-founder of the world-renowned Omega Institute on the East Coast. Omega, along with its West Coast sister retreat center Esalen, are considered the original transformational retreat centers in North America, and perhaps even the world. The Blue Spirit Resort is more or less an outpost of that same founder’s lineage, and I felt a great honor as well as a great responsibility to live up to their standards and ethos.

The energies that had supported me up until this point were steady, strong, consistent and unwavering. I felt thoroughly and utterly reassured to make this leap and everything in me was in a rather graceful alignment. In fact, the support I felt was quite “divine.”

Until the morning after I had signed the contract.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. There was no turning back and I felt like the bottom had fallen out from underneath me. I felt sick to my stomach and every day for a good nine months, whenever I thought about the retreat, I felt like I needed to reach for a puke bucket. So intense, visceral and even physical was the fear and pressure I felt.

I’ve always known that working with Great Spirit is a two-way street. When you ask, Great Spirit answers. However, when Great Spirit asks, you too need to answer. Can’t have it both ways. I had asked Great Spirit for assistance. This was the first big ask that came back to me.

I had no choice but to answer. It was around this time that I reconnected with two God-sent Souls. Reverend Gary Langston aka Red Bear Who Sees All Worlds and his beloved wife, Carol Rydell, both master teachers with don Oscar Miro-Quesada, phenomenally well trained in the Peruvian Inka shamanism, which I had been initiated too through Dr. Alberto Villoldo.

Both Red Bear and Carol could see the sacred energies that wanted to come through me as a conduit and had the compassion, wisdom, and foresight to also recognize that I needed help – like a lot. So they stepped in as spiritual midwives, spaceholders, and medicine facilitators to help me get the vision off the ground.

This is how the inaugural 2015 Soul Purpose Wealth Retreat came about. I made a big bold leap and then the help and support kept pouring in. In fact, many more powerful leaders stepped into the circle to co-create together with me and the medicine people.

Amethyst Wyldfyre, who is now known as Emerald Peaceful Greenforest was the first to see and feel what we were called to birth. I will never forget her initial reaction when she first heard about the Soul Purpose Wealth Retreat in 2015. She said – verbatim:

“I don’t care if I have to fly, walk or crawl there, I will be there no matter what.”

She went on and said:
“The energy medicine that we will bring through at this inaugural gathering will change the trajectory of our lives for the next 20 years, if not longer. Where can I sign up?”

Other leaders included Dr. Venus Opal Reese and Maribel Jimenez, just to name a few. Needless to say, the inaugural Soul Purpose Wealth Retreat not only sold out – it was a total success on all levels. Before I left Costa Rica, I signed another contract to facilitate the second Soul Purpose Wealth Retreat the following year at the same prestigious resort.

The second Soul Purpose Wealth 2016 retreat was equally magical and yet completely different. During the first retreat, we all got our power back. It was epic. That’s how it all begun. It was one gigantic collective and individual power retrieval. We had returned to claim our wealth. The stakes were placed. The stage was set.

One year later, even though it was a completely different group constellation, self-empowerment, however, was no longer the objective.The people who showed up at the second Soul Purpose Wealth Retreat knew already who they were. They had reclaimed their power and felt the calling and readiness for greatness.

However, our inner and outer worth and worthiness were not fully integrated yet. We had holes and gaps to fill in our energy and lifestyle puzzle. Whether it was manifesting a meaningful relationship with a true Soul Mate or having a passion business but not enough income, or enjoying great success but not enough time, the work led us inward to listen, awaken and integrate. We planted our wealth seeds. We nurtured them. We deepened them. We fostered our dreams and sealed the bond to a glorious vision of a future that is healed.

And that’s how we completed the 2nd Soul Purpose Wealth Retreat in 2016.The Soul Purpose Wealth seeds and New Earth prosperity medicine that we’ve brought forth in the moist and fertile womb of Costa Rica had matured. It was now time to bring them to the States. There was only one problem, I did not know where to take them, so I waited for higher guidance, yet again.

I did not have to wait long. It was only a few weeks later, in summer of 2016 that I was introduced to Kate Hawke, the Gatekeeper of The Gateway Ranch, located in the painted desert of Northern Arizona. Her retreat center was the perfect place to unfold these sacred prosperity seeds. There was no way that I could have brought this wealth frequency to a luxury resort in the States. Instead, it needed to be solidly grounded in this post-apocalyptic black sand desert. We needed to come into the right relationship again with the land and its Native stewards to rediscover what Soul Purpose Wealth looks, feels, smells and sounds like in modern-day America.

After a number of failed attempts to merely “schedule” the Soul Purpose Wealth Retreat in 2017, it became exquisitely clear that the wealth frequency seeds were not ready yet and needed to incubate longer. As did I.

Over the course of 2017, Kate Hawk and I stayed in conversationabout the timing of the 3rd Soul Purpose Wealth Retreat. We both stayed fluid yet firmly committed to making it happen as soon as we both got the mutual green light.

This brings us to May 2018 and the third Soul Purpose Wealth Retreat with the specific RESET theme.

The wealth and prosperity seeds that had been retrieved back in 2015 out of dark cavern and cages of our oppressed earthly past have been well nurtured and brought into the light. They have grown strong and are now ready to sprout. The fertile soil of the sacred painted desert, as ironic as it may sound, presents the most ideal and optimal playground for us to surface, dance, laugh, and come out with our authentic voices.

By now you may realize that as you join us for the 2018 Soul Purpose Wealth Retreat, you are entering into a powerful collective intention that has already been in the making since 2012, and has been well fed and supported by over 60 retreat participants and even more fans and believers.

And while it seems as though everyone these days is ready to calibrate their very own version of Soul Purpose Wealth, the RESET theme is the next necessary phase of this remembrance journey. The energies that we will transmit are strong and alive. And believe me, they work wonders. So please don’t make a casual decision.

When you decide to join us, be prepared to press that RESET button in your life. Remember, you can no longer be a passive recipient in your own life experience. You have to take the reign.

RESET now for Soul Purpose Wealth.

Check out our next destinations, and I hope to see you at one of our future retreat.

Sabine Messner

Sabine Messner

5D Business Mentor · Visionary Soul Seer · Human Design Catalyst

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