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Welcome, Spiritually Persistent Podcast Listeners!

We live in chaotic and dynamic times. Old beliefs and ways of operating in the world are falling away as new opportunities and potentials arise daily. Are you ready to rise to the occasion, or do you feel like somehow you’re missing the manual to your own life?

Get your user manual now! It’s called Human Design, and it shows you exactly how to make the best decisions every time, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how to uplevel your life and all of your relationships.

You’ll receive instant access to two Human Design masterclasses that give you a basic understanding of EPICgenetic system, and how to use it in everyday life. No more confusion, self-doubts, and self-sabotage.

Sabine Messner is on a mission to show seemingly ordinary professionals as well as extraordinary luminaries how to be in business with their Soul’s purpose. Her new paradigm approach of Spiritual Entrepreneurship has liberated and empowered hundreds of lightworkers across the globe into higher levels of self-actualization.

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