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Sabine is a dynamic, engaging and memorable keynote speaker.

A summary of Sabine’s speaker topics is forthcoming…

"Sabine knocked everyone’s socks off giving a presentation about Soul Purpose Branding."

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"You had us laugh, you had us cry, you had us entertained and you taught a brand new perspective.”
Sabine Messner Client Testimonial Jeffrey VanDyke
Jeffrey VanDyk
“Mesmerizing! She made it easy for the audience to connect with their souls."
“Sabine's passionate and joyful energy was palpable. From the first words out of her mouth it was clear that she was committed to the audience as she helped them traverse the fallacies of branding, while at the same time revealing the power of Soul Purpose Branding."
-Dan Fowler
Watch Sabine’s mesmerizing keynote speech given to 300+ people at Baeth Davis’ Gifted event in Phoenix, Arizona

Part 1 of 2

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Part 2 of 2

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What attendees are saying