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"I reverse engineer your future, anchor you in your highest vision, and give you the brand that propels you there."

Sabine Messner

Three Things I'd Like You To Know About Me

I’m The Real Deal.
I’m not another fly-by-night spiritual mentor. I’m not another over-certified formula business coach either. I walk my talk, and I love a good soap box. I emigrated 20 years ago following a mysterious Soul calling, and now live the American Dream in 5D omni colors—a privilege that’s lost to the majority of the U.S. population.I run a simplistic and sustainable multi 6-fig business, that I deliberately keep in a happy equilibrium so I can continue to serve my international clients in an intimate and personable way. I do not hype. I do not exploit. I do not overcharge. And I do not over-promise. I build lasting partnerships, friendships and alliances. I’m here for good, and I’m here for you.

I’m Known As The “Make-It-Or-Break-It” Mentor.
I have a keen ability to go right into that powerful sweet spot between freedom and failure, and literally switch your destiny tracks. Perhaps it’s that gifted Soul tracker in me. Perhaps it’s my own experience with a genius, suicidal father. Perhaps it’s Pluto governing my chart that I can hold even the most elevated of Souls in their deepest of depths, while pulling all stops and turning all wheels of transformation. Whatever it is that has me so exquisitely prepared, I am your destination when you’re just about to give up. I am your stop when you’ve tried everything else, but want to give it one last try and all you’ve got.

I’m Masterful And I’m Flawed, Both.
If you’ve read this far, you’re probably sensing that what I’m saying is not to impress you. It’s just who I am and what I have to offer. Nothing more, nothing less. I have no use to be put on a pedestal. The relationships I foster with my clients are that of equals. While I am their guide and mentor for the time being, I do not assume a hierarchical role—ever. In fact, I vehemently stand for the opposite, and encourage real co-creation. I always try to be honest and transparent. I’m human. I make mistakes. Sometimes my channeled remarks can be intense. I have other imperfections too. I am the real deal, doing honest, genius work while keeping it down to earth.

6 Principles I Live By

1. Put your Soul into the driver seat and you’ll always enjoy the ride.<br>
2. Reverse-engineer your future. Otherwise you’ll likely miss it.<br>
3. Your Soul is your business. The ‘how’ is none of your business.<br>
4. The universe will reward you greatly for being your greatest self.<br>
5. Expand into your potential and you’ll create your own economy.<br>
6. A big vision pulls you forward. A small vision you have to push.

20 Curious Facts

Most people think branding is the projection of a positive image. Ask any experienced brand strategist and they will tell you nothing(!) could be further from the truth. While it may draw quick attention, projecting an image is not sustainable nor does it lead to the right results. No legendary, lasting brand has ever been built on projection. Instead we start out with values. A deep, total and utter understanding and living expression of a brand’s values. Its not preaching beliefs. Its not selling, convincing or putting yourself or your brand on a pedestal. Its about doing good in the world and building a great reputation through consistent brand behavior based on these living values.

So how does this work for a people brand? Let’s experiment, shall we? Let me share some personal facts with you…and let’s see if you can detect the values that rule my personal brand. Here we go…

1. I danced on the Berlin Wall right in front of the Brandenburger Tor the day it came down. I lived in West Berlin at the time, and in the evening had to make the long walk home by foot because the traffic and public transportation had shut down in a dancing city drunk on euphoria.

2. I spent a night in a snowstorm at 15,000 feet elevation in the Andes Mountains in South America, before being initiated by Q’ero elders into the Inca Prophecy Keeper Lineage through sacred ceremonies.

3.In 1987 when I was only 21 years old, I had an opportunity to spend a week with the Pygmy tribe in the rainforest of Cameroon, West Africa. I declined this once-in lifetime invitation because I felt that unless I had a greater purpose in visiting them, I had no business disturbing their peace and affecting their serene existence negatively by simply entering their lives.

4. When I was 26 I had a light shaft experience in Manhattan sitting on a bench in Washington Square Park when my highest life purpose was revealed to me in this life-altering incident.

5. In 1993, before there was a World Wide Web, I wrote a master thesis entitled “Fishing For The Heavenly Body,” in which I correlated the 7 software layers that constitute the Internet with the 7 layers of Heaven. In addition to this visionary proposition, I created an art installation complete with interactive human interface. It was exhibited up until 1996 in various galleries in Berlin. 20 years later I’m still linking people with their Heavens using the Web.

6. Following the insight of my light shaft experience, I landed 3 years later in San Francisco, after having earned a best-of-class B.A. and a best-of-class M.A. from the Berlin University of the Arts. The founders of WIRED magazine discovered me, offering me a job on the spot as their first web designer pioneering the World Wide Web.

7. In order to qualify for a U.S. work visa I had to prove that my skills are totally one-of-a-kind, and that I’m not taking any job away from any U.S. citizen.

8. Since my early twenties, I frequently hear that I look like Meryl Streep. I think that’s a wonderful compliment, since the academy award winner is my favorite actress!

9. A famous Swiss astrologer told me in my early twenties that I was either going to have 8 or 9 children or live a tremendously creative and artistic life. Thankfully, I chose the later!

10. I was quite a sensitive little baby girl and stuttered from the moment I learned language until my beloved mum and her homeopathic doctor cured me in the nick of time, before I entered first grade. I was never ridiculed or made to feel bad.

11. I am an utterly down-to-earth human being, yet I’ve encountered angels, ascended masters, aliens, ghosts, entities, UFOs, animal spirits, stone people, fairies, and everything in-between.

12. I got married twice to Jewish Capricorn men (and I’m planning on staying married to the second one!).

13. I once had a boss who was convinced that every single person can be “bought,” meaning that it was just a question of how much money it would take to corrupt that individual. I always argued against that contentious belief. Years later, I was put to the ultimate test when I had to take a stand in a company scandal. I had two choices: shut up and walk away with multiple 6-figures or perhaps even 7-figures as an internal settlement—or speak the truth and watch that boss unceremoniously have to pack his own bags and leave. I stayed, both with the company and true to my integrity.

14. I trained in Shotokan Karate at Rocky Marciano’s boxing studio in West Berlin and Muai Thai Kick Boxing at Ken Shamrock’s Lion Den in Scottsdale, Arizona.

15. I passionately drive an Audi/VW Turbo, which not only fits my kick-butt personality but has also saved my life when I almost got T-boned by a drunk truck driver crossing a red light intersection doing 70 miles per hour.

16. I had an early childhood dream to become an actress. I’m happy to say it came true in my early thirties, when I played a lead role in an independent movie filmed in Napa Valley, California. Around that time I also had an opportunity to audition in Hollywood. Flattered, I declined, without regret.

17. Since age 13 it has been my dream to go to Tibet. It’s still on my bucket list.

18. Growing up in the laboratory of my inventor dad, I learned how to make a perfect, splatter-free welding line at age 7.

19. In the early 70’s, my father patented the principle for a water-fueled car engine. The same year, he encountered mysterious reasons to be concerned for his safety. He quit pursuing his alternative energy inventions though he never stopped being convinced that the puzzle of Perpetual Motion had been solved.

20. I live with a MTOB and a MTOH. MTOB, or Master Teacher Of Bliss, is an enchanted cat being who is my furry child, and my husband Leslie, who is also wonderful and furry, and a MTOH or Master Teacher Of Hugs.

Why you might want to work with me.

I stand here, humbly and humbled — a spiritual teacher through and through. Transcended mastery. A million times over. Been there, done that. Here again. Why? For what purpose? What could be my highest offering?

Transcended mastery. It’s what’s allowed me to go so deep wherever I go, with whomever I walk. Past any ego battles, power struggles, through infinite veils of illusions, I see it through all the way.

Transcended mastery. It’s one thing to achieve it throughout your career and life. It’s a whole other thing, to come with it already built-in.

Born humbled. It’s what allowed me to work with the wealthy and the powerful of all walks of life.
I have co-created with CEOs, investors, advisors, doctors, PhDs, scientists, technocrats, inventors, innovators, rebels, artists, channels, psychics, shamans, ghostbusters – you name it. I have worked with millionaires and people who only have a few pennies to their name, yet may be the salt of the earth.

What makes this possible is a purity in my connection. It’s like I see through the current iterations of a person’s life directly into their soul, and what they genuinely want to bring forth that makes them whole and brings them back into harmony.

Rich dad, poor dad. As a peacemaker, I end the wars of lack. Regardless of our bottom lines, we have all been conditioned to lack whether we build riches from lack or lack the riches to build. My insights and contributions are said to be both pure medicine for people’s hearts as well as their bottom line.
Some of my clients lack spiritually, emotionally, or creatively. Some lack existentially, physically, materialistically.

Either way, I bring peace, prosperity, and harmony to their life.